Our Minister

Rev. William Humphrey

Serving as our parish minister, he was ordained with us and has served us since 2015. Rev Will is also the settled minister of East Shore UU. Rev Will is active with anti-racism work within Knox, Richland, and Wayne Counties and throughout the state; he works with the Heritage Universalist groups, including the Universalist Convocation, and Rev Will is active within the Central East Region’s Summer Institute, serving on the ministry/chaplain team for the past three years. Passionate about liberation theological perspectives and eco-feminism, Rev Will advocates for LGBTQ+ rights, anti-racism and economic justice, affirming the worth and dignity of each person, fighting for justice, equity, and compassion in human relations. Rev Will believes that “the foundation of our faith, as Unitarian Universalists, is the Love that we live in our interactions and our daily Social Justice work.”

Will is married to Leah and they have two children, Olivia and Benjamin.


Rev, Will can be reached at 740-263-1171.

The All Souls email address is will.allsouls@gmail.com.